Monday 13 March 2017

5 Factors That Affect Android App Testing's Longevity

If you want to make sure your mobile app has a shot at success, you will have to get it tested after the development before releasing it into the market. But for how long can you rely on the android app testing you got done? Here are ten factors that will affect your android app’s testing longevity.If you want to make sure your mobile app has a shot at success, you will have to get it tested after the development before releasing it into the market. But for how long can you rely on the android app testing you got done? Here are ten factors that will affect your android app’s testing longevity. 

1.       Scalability
One of the most important qualities of a good mobile app testing method is that it can scale. In other words, it needs to be able to handle thousands of assessments at once, preferably on cloud so you can run it on different devices. You need to be able to manage testing remotely and in larger numbers than you can do in the actual world. The ability of assessments to scale up to what you expect is a solution to having a reusable testing platform for android apps. GlobalStep, Accenture, Cognizant Solutions, and other IT software companies have extensive mobile application testing services that look into real device testing or virtual device testing. Android app testing services are carried out on emulators or real devices.

2.       Data Security
Another chief factor in android app testing longevity is the stage of security that you have within your testing assessment methods. With so much consumer information in the database, you will want to make sure that it is secure. Remember Ashley Madison? Nobody wants a repeat of that. Bear in mind that the more you scale up your android app, the more you will need to augment the security level. This lowers the risk of data loss.

3.       Strong UI
Having a strong UI in place, means that the android app displays a high level of user-friendly interface and user-friendliness. The format and the design of a test are important. But it is most important how the user interacts with the systems you have in place in your android app and whether they are comfortable taking your tests. The search, navigation, and data accessibility should all be equally easy to use. If your user experience is an encouraging one, you are going to be more likely to reuse the tests over time than if users are irritated with the app’s UI.

4.       Grading & Feedback Options
In addition to the other points, a good android app testing should offer a sound way to grade the tests. Feedback should also be valuable and accessible to the test-taker. A good test of longevity needs to address both of these things as feedback can help in bettering the android app testing and its longevity.

5.       Customizable Features
Finally, if an android app test is going to be important over the long term, it needs to be customizable by the tester. Since there are so many different subgroups, contexts and devices being introduced into the market, a business may need to test at different times. For this you need to be able to change the input information so that it is flexible to new situations, as and when they arise. By having a customizable android app testing solution, one will be able to maintain the power at the top while changing the test questions and data as needed to fit the context.

Each tool for mobile application testing has its own limitations. Sophisticated android app testing services are required nowadays given the time constraints and financial strain that organizations face. The testing & assurance services of GlobalStep place high importance on Quality Assurance and offers end-to-end IT solutions through refined testing strategies. Testing services are essential as they also help in building the customer’s trust in the organization. As for the choosing the right tool for mobile application testing, a combination of both the tools can enhance the overall testing service and improve the end user-experience.