Sunday 3 January 2016

Eye Health: Effective Ways to Deal With Eye Strain in Office

Eye Strain in Office
Eye Strain in Office

A typical day in the office in consists of close to at least 3 - 4 hours of continuous computer usage, coupled with occasional messaging on mobile screens, as well as reading a lot of paper-based documents. All of these activities take a heavy toll on your eyes and you find yourself looking for some sort of tired eye relief.
As per statistics, close to 90% of all people who use computers for more than 3 hours in a day end up suffering from strained eyes, or specifically something known as the dry eye syndrome. The Dry Eye Syndrome affects the eye’s capability of producing tears; leading to symptoms such as strained eyes, dry eyes, tired eyes and itchy eyes.
Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do for minimizing the impact of dry eyes in office, right from using eye drops for strained eyes to taking frequent breaks to relax your eyes.
You can do the following easy things once in office to make sure you don’t become a victim to eye strain, which can severely affect your productivity: -
  • Use eye drops for strained eyes: There are several eye drops available in the market for dealing with the problem of dry eyes. These create an artificial film of tears that protects from the dry eye syndrome. Eye Spa from Lifezen Healthcare is one of the best eye drops for dry eyes available over-the-counter at chemist shops as well as online.
  • Take Frequent Breaks: Low rate of blinking, typically caused when you’re reading on a screen or on paper, is one of the major causes of dry eyes. It’s advisable to take frequent breaks to blink, keep your eyes closed for some time and focus on objects placed at different places to keep your eyes prepared for change in focus.
  • Be careful about screen usage: Several products are available in the market, which allow you to optimize screen brightness to ensure that minimum strain is caused to the eyes. Combined with eye drops for strained eyes, this is one of the best ways of keeping dry eyes in check. It is advisable to keep screen brightness at the same level as the room lighting, and keep the screen at an optimum distance of about 16 inches from your eyes.
  • Eat Healthy: The importance of food in a healthy lifestyle can’t be stressed enough. Carrots, meats, and Vitamin C rich foods like oranges and dried foods, as well as green vegetables are good for your eyes. Also take enough care to ensure that you drink enough water to keep your body well lubricated.
Eye-Strain can cause huge amounts of productivity and dollar losses in offices because of its capability of making a person unable to concentrate. However, loss of productivity can easily be controlled now by optimizing diet, office environment, and using a good brand of eye drops for strained eyes, which are now easily available in the market.
For more information on eye strain and dry eyes, visit our blog or check out our website in order to know more about Eye Spa – a revolutionary new eye drop for eyestrain that provides 2-drop 2-minute relief from dry eyes.

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