Saturday 19 March 2016

8 Must Have Make-Up Products

It’s a rather normal thing for most women to have a bag full of make-up products and still be clueless about what to use when. Does a BB cream suit your skins needs better or a CC cream? And have you heard of DD creams??
Well yeah. We know how overwhelming it can get, and how clueless the daunting products can make you feel. So, here is our list of make-up products that you must have to eliminate the make-up dilemmas.

1) Foundation

Makeup Foundation

Even though the market is flooded with concealers, tone correctors, the good old foundation is always a good investment. It is very important though that you pick the right shade that goes with your skin tone.
It is best if you let the professionals pick the right one for you, or if you are on your own, it is best that you try a couple of shades vertically on your jaw line and pick the one that matches the most with your natural tone.

Even though the market is flooded with concealers, tone correctors, the good old foundation is always a good investment. It is very important though that you pick the right shade that goes with your skin tone.
It is best if you let the professionals pick the right one for you, or if you are on your own, it is best that you try a couple of shades vertically on your jaw line and pick the one that matches the most with your natural tone.

Avoid testing the shades on your hand as the skin tone on the hand and face may vary.

Try this: Face Lifting Foundation or search for more here.

2) Concealer 

Eye Concealers

The concealer is your only bet when it comes to dark circles. It might be just a temporary fix but if done the right way, you can ‘conceal’ the dark circles completely.
The trick is to dab a little concealer on your dark circles, wait for a couple of minutes till it is absorbed and then blend the edges evenly into skin. It is advisable to use a moisturizer or an eye cream before applying a concealer to get the smooth finish. 

3) Blush


The secret to using a blush is that it must look like you are blushing and not like you have used a blush. Avoid the ones with shimmer and use lighter shades for starters.
The easiest and simplest way to apply a blush is to smile and apply some on the apple of your cheek lightly. Blend the colour lightly on your cheek. If it looks like a patch of colour on your cheek, you have probably used a darker shade or applied too much.

4) Lipstick


Most women ruin the make-up by using the wrong shade of lipstick, wearing one that is too dark or too pink. Though it would take considerably more time to figure out which shade suits your face, it is worth the effort!
While applying lipstick though, you must keep this in mind- lipstick on chapped lips is a complete NO. Apply a lip balm overnight and wake up with soft lips, ready for your lipstick!

5) Eye Shadow

Eye Shadow

Getting the Eye shadow right is perhaps the trickiest part of the make-up. Some shades don’t show up and then the others make people look like they are off for a rock concert.
Select light peachy/apricot shades for fair skin, plums or dark browns for darker tones or taupey-grey or golden beige for normal skin. Take a small brush in the eye shadow across the eye lids blending in the folds. Make sure to use a light feathered brush so it is easy to blend in the colors, and the hard lines don’t show. 

6) Eye Liner

The eyes are sensitive areas and aren’t very appreciative of being slathered with make-up, especially the inner lash lines and sensitive rims. Always use a soft pencil that glides along the skin without tugging or exerting pressure. Also refrain from using products that are not certified by ophthalmologists.

It is easier to apply the liner if you hold a finger against the brow bone and pull the skin to make it a little taught. This also allows to apply the liner closer to the lashes.

7) Mascara


No mascara looks better than mascara that is clumped and making the eye lashes stick together. If yours has clogged too, trash it! Or maybe try another brand.

If you use an eye lash curler, curl the eye lash first and then apply the mascara carefully with the wand.
Steer clear of the lids and as you reach the tips, gently wiggle the wand back and forth in a zig-zag motion so that you make sure you have covered each eye lash.

8) A brush set

With a good brush set you can take the world of make up by a storm. You can always have a collection of brushes that is as large or small as you need and interest is.
But make sure to clean the brushes after you use them so that you keep them free from bacteria and also keep your make-up colors fresh. Buy brush cleaners or soak brushes in diluted mild baby shampoos to clean them.

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