Saturday 19 March 2016

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Tears are the secretions of the lacrimal glands made up of vitamins, proteins and electrolytes that improve and maintain eye health, hydrate, nourish and moisturize the eye. When, due to some or the other reason, the secretion of tears by the tear gland is affected, dry eyes syndrome occurs.
Dry eyes can be caused by several reasons ranging from prolonged usage of screens to complex disorders in the bod

Dry eyes occur typically when the lacrimal glands are malfunctioning or unable to produce essential tears, the tears aren’t of the required consistency or evaporate too soon.  It leads to anything between strain and mild irritation to severe inflammation that can lead to loss of sight too.

The major symptoms include:

1) Irritation, grittiness, foreign body sensation in the eye

Since the tears are responsible for keeping the eyes nourished and healthy, lack of them lead to dry eyes that further lead to painful ulcers or scars on the cornea. Using eye drops for dry eyes, helps keep the eyes nourished and hydrated.

2) Eye Fatigue / Pain

Dry eyes can lead to increased eye strain and eye fatigue, reducing concentration and efficiency. Always keep an eye drop handy, and use it frequently, to keep eyes nourished and moisturized.

3) Swelling

Malfunctioning lacrimal glands can exhibit unusual swelling in the eye. This, if left untreated for long can lead to serious eye disorder. Even the best eye drops aren’t of much use, once the condition gets out of hand. It is best to use an eye drop for itchy eyes to reduce the swelling in the initial stages itself.

4) Burning Sensation

Decreased tear formation can lead to a constant burning sensation. The best way to soothe the burn is by making sure that the eyes are hydrated and well nourished. An eye drop for dry eyes works wonders in cases like this.

5) Stringy Discharge from the Eyes

Malfunctioning lacrimal glands can lead to unnatural secretions from the eye. This stringy discharge can be rather disturbing or irritating. Treat the condition at the early stage by making eye drops a part of your lifestyle.

6) Blurred Vision

Dry eyes, is much more complicated than it sounds. It can lead to episodes of blurred vision in certain cases and at its worst can also lead to blindness. Drops for itchy eyes and drops for itchy eyes can work wonders to prevent this case.

Eye Drops are the simple yet effective solution that is easily available to us to cure most of the eye disorders. It is an artificial product that chemically is extremely similar to the natural human tears and acts like them too, helping in keeping the eyes hydrated, nourished and refreshed throughout the days or even help soothe strained eyes that are developed after staring at the computer screen for too long. One should consult an ophthalmologist for detailed information about eye drops and which one is the best eye drop for their condition.

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