Tuesday 15 March 2016

Dry Eye Causes

Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes is a common eye disorder affecting a large number of people, and taking some more down, every single day. It occurs when there is decrease in the formation of tears. This is punctuated with a number of symptoms like blurred vision, itchiness or a foreign body or burning sensation. The popular factors that trigger the dry eye syndrome include:

1.Hormonal Imbalance

The production of tears is greatly affected by hormonal changes and the functionality of the nervous system. Due to their frequent hormonal swings, while using contraceptive pills, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, women are more likely to be affected. It is advised that women use eye drops for dry eyes, as eye drops are a sure solution for relief for eye drops.

2. Contact Lenses

People who wear lenses are more likely to suffer from dry eye syndrome, compared to those who don’t. It is advisable that if the condition persists for long, one should switch the type of lenses that are used. Lens users can be a step ahead by carrying eye drops for dry eyes to prevent them.

3. Surgeries

Eye surgeries bring along with them, a temporary condition of dry eye. This condition typically lasts only till the eye heals and doesn’t continue forever. Using the best eye drops for dry eyes, recommended by an ophthalmologist, will be a relief to the eyes.

4. Medications

Dry Eye Syndrome is often caused as a side effect of the antibiotics, drugs or medications a person is on. If symptoms occur while you are on medication, consult a doctor and use drops for dry eyes or drops for itch eyes depending on the eye condition.

5. Old Age

Old age brings with it, a number of physical ailments, dry eyes being one of them. As we age, the tear glands start losing their ability to produce tears, leaving the eyes dry and itchy. Keeping a drop for dry eyes constantly in the medical kit of the elderly is recommended.

6. Medical Conditions

A surprising number of medical conditions cause DES due to the imbalance in the physical condition. The diseases affect the formation of tears either directly or indirectly. Some diseases that deplete the tears include :- conjunctivitis, HIV, injuries to the eye, arthritis, scleroderma, etc.
The simplest, yet effective way to deal with the condition is to opt for an eye drop for dry eyes and keep itchy, painful eyes at bay.

7. Environmental Factors

The weather and other environmental factors can also affect the eyes. Air conditioned rooms, A.Cs in the cars can also cause the tears to evaporate. Excess wind, hot or dry winds, high altitudes can also lead to dry eye syndrome. Using eye drops to refresh and rejuvenate the eyes is advised.

Using eye drops keeps the eyes hydrated and fresh, keeping all the symptoms of DES at bay. It also helps improve concentration and efficiency by keeping a person more focused and less distracted by the constant strain or itch.

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